02 Nov 2024

All Soul's Day Masses

All Souls’ Day Masses at Cemeteries

01 Nov: Payneham Mausoleum – 2pm Holy Rosary will be recited by Fr Michael Romeo PP and Sr Josie Labata SJBP followed by blessing of tombs. Contact Payneham Mausoleum on (08) 8431 3684 for more information.

2 Nov: Enfield Memorial Park-Evergreen Precint – 9am Entry to Evergreen Community Precinct is via the Ridgeway Avenue roundabout on Gordon Avenue. Light refreshments will be served after Mass. Adelaide Cemeteries would appreciate registration to ensure adequate catering and seating which can be done at the following link: http://bit.ly/aca-asd24 Contact Adelaide Cemeteries on (08) 8139 7400 for further information.

2 Nov: Centennial Park– Jubillee Complex – 10am Fr Anthoni Adimai SdM from St Francis of Assisi Church will celebrate the Mass, and hymns will be performed by the talented soprano singer Teresa La Rocca accompanied by David Fitzgerald on piano. Light refreshments will be served in the Function Rooms. More information on the Mass and to register visit: www.eventbrite.com.au/e/all-souls-mass-tickets-1012558950077?

2 Nov: Payneham Cemetery – 12pm Mass for All Souls’ Day will be celebrated in both English and Italian by Fr Michael Romeo followed by blessing of graves. Contact Blackwell Funerals Payneham on (08) 8362 7199 for more information.

Please contact the Cemeteries directly or check the Parish Notice board for more detailed information. Bookings need to be made online wherever mentioned through the links provided. The Cathedral Parish office will not be taking bookings on behalf of parishioners. 

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